Other Publications


Articles and Book Chapters (Selected)

“Introduction: New Approaches to Music and Sound,” with Rebecca McKenna, special issue, Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, 22, no. 4 (December 2023), 367-83.

“Introduction,” with Regina Blaszczyk, in Capitalism and the Senses, ed. Regina Lee Blaszczyk and David Suisman (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2023), 1-18.

“Sky’s the Limit: Capitalism, the Senses, and the Failure of Supersonic Aviation in the United States,” in Capitalism and the Senses, ed. Regina Lee Blaszczyk and David Suisman (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2023), 111-27.“

“How Military Music Works.” In Sonologia 2019: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sound Studies, edited by Fernando Iazetta et al., (Sao Paolo: ECA-USP, 2020), 54–72.  

“Afterword: Music, Sound, History,” Journal of Social History, Special issue on the social and cultural history of music, 52, no. 2 (2018), 383-89.

“The American Environmental Movement’s Lost Victory: The Fight Against Sonic Booms,” The Public Historian 37, no. 4 (November 2015), 111–31.

“The Oklahoma City Sonic Boom Experiment and the Politics of Supersonic Aviation,” Radical History Review no. 121 (January 2015), 169-195. 

“Sound Recordings and Popular Music Histories: The Remix,” Journal of Popular Music Studies 23, no. 2 (2011), 212-20. 

“Black Swan Rising” Humanities (November/December 2010)

“Sound, Knowledge, and the ‘Immanence of Human Failure’: Rethinking Musical Mechanization through the Phonograph, the Player-Piano, and the Piano,” Special issue on the politics of sound recording, Social Text 102 (Spring 2010), 13-34.

“Co-workers in the Kingdom of Culture: Black Swan Records and the Political Economy of African-American Music.” Journal of American History 90 (March 2004): 1295-1332

“Welcome to the Monkey House: Enrico Caruso and the First Celebrity Trial of the Twentieth Century” The Believer  (June 2004)

Media Appearances (Selected)

This Is the Modern World (WFMU) — December 16, 2021 — on Selling Soundshere

New Books Network podcast — December 2023 — on Capitalism and the Senseshere

The Rise and Fall of Black Swan Records (Radio Diaries) — 2021 — on Black Swan Records — here

The Vanishing of Harry Pace (Radiolab) — 2021 — on Black Swan Records — here

Marketplace (American Public Media) – Feb. 15, 2010 – on Selling Sounds – here

University of Pennsylvania Press podcast – Dec. 2009 – on Sound in the Age of Mechanical Reproductionhere

Radio With A View on WMBR in Cambridge, Mass. – Sept. 20, 2009 – on Selling Soundshere

Harvard University Press podcast – Summer 2009 – on Selling Soundsno longer available

ArtSounds on WVUD in Newark, Del. – July 30, 2009 – on Selling Soundshere


Works by and about Warren Susman: A Bibliography — here